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Ten eReader And eBook Predictions For 2010 - The Forrester Blog For Consumer Product Strategy Professionals - http://blogs.forrester.com/consume...
1) E Ink will lose its claim to near-100% market share for eReader displays: 1) Cheaper substitutions for E Ink that use the same technology; 2) dual-screen devices: both an E Ink and an LCD screen; 3) entirely different display technology, such as transflective LCD or OLED. 2) Dual-screen mobile phones and netbooks will eat into eReader demand. Most consumers don't read enough to justify buying a single-function reading device. 3) Apps will make non-reading devices more eBook-friendly. 4) eReaders will get apps, too. They make the device infinitely more useful. 5) Amazon will launch a suite of new touchscreen eReaders. 6) B&N will steal market share from Amazon and Sony. 7) eBook content sales will top $500 million in the US. 8) eTextbooks will become more accessible, but sales will be modest. 9) Magazine and newspaper publishers will launch their own apps and devices. 10) China, India, Brazil, and the EU will propel global growth, but the US will still be the biggest market. - × × ×