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Saving Star Wars: The Special Edition Restoration Process and its Changing Physicality - The Secret History of Star Wars - http://secrethistoryofstarwars.com/savings...
“Although this article will explain about how the Special Edition(s) were created, this is not to be the focus of the article--instead we will look mainly at the physical, and non-physical, process by which the original negative of the film was created and repaired. This is normally the point of a restoration, and though I just a moment ago spoke of this not being the case for Star Wars, the other great irony is that it, at one point, was--before Lucas and ILM could enact the enhancement and alteration of the original content, the film was restored to its original state, the original negative meticulously and painstakingly repaired. This restoration was then used as the basis for digital additions, in effect making the restoration lost.” - × × ×