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How do you spot the future? 8 visionaries speaks about their techniques. Prof. Saffo: "Contradictions, inversions, oddities, and coincidences" - http://www.wired.com/epicent... (via http://friendfeed.com/rww...)
Esther Dyson: “The first thing I do is go where other people aren’t. I leave Silicon Valley and spend a lot of time not just in New York but in Russia and in other far-off places. Any time you approach something as an outsider, you’re able to see what people who are familiar with it can’t." /// Tim O’Reilly: "The myth of innovation is that it starts with entrepreneurs, but it really starts with people having fun. The Wright brothers weren’t trying to build an airline, they were saying, "Holy shit, do you think we could fly?" /// Peter Schwartz: "You look for technologies that are likely to create major inflection points—breaks in a trend, things that are going to accelerate. Those tend to be very powerful. This is especially true with scientific technology and tools. (...) If an area is attracting great talent and money from governments and companies, you can expect to see important change.” • #trendtaste - × × ×