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A Newspaper For The Twitter Age: The Size Of A Sales Receipt, And Edited By You | Co. Design - http://www.fastcodesign.com/1665514...
"Little Printer is exactly that: a palm-sized, cube-shaped, cloud-powered thermal printer with an adorable pair of feet and a cute face. And what does it print? A personalized mini-newspaper--with content curated from partners like The Guardian, social media like Foursquare and Facebook, as well as stuff created by BERG itself--and output on a receipt-like paper strip no longer than 10 inches. "Each information source we think of as a personalised 'publication' that you subscribe to from a kind of 'app store for paper,' collated into a delivery that arrives at a chosen time," Webb tells Co.Design. You "feed" Little Printer by selecting content via a remote-control-esque smartphone app, and then get your mini-newspaper delivered "once or twice a day." Think of it like Flipboard, but without the screen." - × × ×