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The Cheating Cheaters of Moscow — How infidelity has become accepted and even expected in Russia. - By Julia Ioffe - Slate Magazine - http://www.slate.com/id...
“Wandering spouses have become a common trope for the women of Moscow. "Men's environment here pushes them towards cheating," Tanya told me, adding that, these days, a boys' night out in Russia often involves prostitutes. Tanya and her friends are young, educated, upper-middle-class Muscovites, but talk to any woman in Moscow, and, regardless of age, education, or income level, she'll have a story of anything from petty infidelity to a parallel family that has existed for decades. Infidelity in Moscow has become "a way of life," as another friend of mine put it—accepted and even expected.” - × × ×
omfg, "consumer-driven hedonism"... - A. T.