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How Races and Religions Match in Online Dating « OkTrends - http://blog.okcupid.com/index...
“The Zodiac and Other Beliefs: Since he’s a Pisces and I’m a Virgo, Chris and I of course think the Zodiac is total bullshit, and it was very gratifying to have the data bear this out. Here are the grouped match percentages for a random pool of 500,000 users. Astrological sign has no effect whatsoever on how compatible two people are. We’re showing you this table, as dull as it is, because the uniformity neatly illustrates how beefy our data set is. There are 144 pools considered above, and they all match the mean plus or minus 0.5%.” #говоря_статистически#дейтинг - × × ×
Безжалостные, безжалостные!!!11 - × × ×