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Как CCP закопали World of Darkness - the inside story on the death of a game | Technology | theguardian.com - http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
"This April, the long-awaited multiplayer game World of Darkness was cancelled. Ian G Williams explores how bad management hubris wasted nearly a decade of work" • #проигры - × × ×
:( I thought better of CCP. - 9000
^ look who's talking :) - Michael Bravo
вот суки! - insecure Bangalore
@mbravo: Huh? I never even played Eve. But I heard high praises to the way Eve world is managed. - 9000
@9000 I mean Google, not you personally :) (WoD closure was driven by realistic economic rationale and the priority of core assets i.e. EvE universe over potentials such as WoD) - Michael Bravo
also, a thorough viewing of latest Fanfest stream on youtube might be helpful (or at least the keynotes) - Michael Bravo
@mbravo; Ah, yes, "you work on a unicorn-decommissioning factory" (q) I don't work on public-facing products, though. - 9000
Rachael: May I ask you a personal question? Deckard: Sure. Rachael: Have you ever retired a human by mistake? Deckard: No. Rachael: But in your position, that is a risk. - Michael Bravo
^ !!!!!! - A. T.