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400 миллионов покупательских аккаунтов с карточками в Аппсторе. Омг.
"It's an economy in itself. It operates in 120 countries around the world. And I'm pleased to announce that we're adding an additional 32." • #говоря_статистически - × × ×
Есть что-то противоестественное в том, что новый 15" макбук с ретиной стоит дешевле, чем мой первый купленный ноутбук. - × × ×
"And we've added something called Eyes Free. We're working with car manufacturers to include a button that will bring up Siri — so you can keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. A number of manufacturers have committed to delivering this in the next 12 months." - × × ×
О, клёвый Do not disturb какой. - × × ×
“Photo Stream sharing with friends. Choose the photos, choose the friends — friends will get a notification. The photos will appear in an album... and friends can comment. Weird, this is like a Facebook feature. Almost like Apple's own social network.” - × × ×