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Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results / I had a teacher once who called his students "idiots" when they screwed up. He was our orchestra conductor, a fierce Ukrainian immigrant named Jerry Kupchynsky, and when someone played out of tune, he would... — WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/news...
“I was stunned by the outpouring for the gruff old teacher we knew as Mr. K. But I was equally struck by the success of his former students. Some were musicians, but most had distinguished themselves in other fields, like law, academia and medicine. Research tells us that there is a positive correlation between music education and academic achievement. But that alone didn't explain the belated surge of gratitude for a teacher who basically tortured us through adolescence.” • #grind_is_good - × × ×
1. A little pain is good for you. - × × ×
2. Drill, baby, drill. - × × ×
3. Failure is an option. - × × ×
4. Strict is better than nice. - × × ×
5. Creativity can be learned. - × × ×
6. Grit trumps talent. - × × ×
7. Praise makes you weak… - × × ×
8.…while stress makes you strong. - × × ×
“My tough old teacher Mr. K could have written the book on any one of these principles. Admittedly, individually, these are forbidding precepts: cold, unyielding, and kind of scary. ¶ But collectively, they convey something very different: confidence. At their core is the belief, the faith really, in students' ability to do better. There is something to be said about a teacher who is demanding and tough not because he thinks students will never learn but because he is so absolutely certain that they will. ¶ Decades later, Mr. K's former students finally figured it out, too. “He taught us discipline,” explained a violinist who went on to become an Ivy League-trained doctor. “Self-motivation,” added a tech executive who once played the cello. “Resilience,” said a professional cellist. “He taught us how to fail—and how to pick ourselves up again.” - × × ×
(Здесь я могу только добавить ещё «Легенду №17» в качестве видеоиллюстрации из относительно новых примеров.) - × × ×