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Colourlovers Buys Forrst to Build an Etsy for Digital Bling | PandoDaily - http://pandodaily.com/2012...
“Creative community Colourlovers has acquired another creative community called Forrst in a bid to create the preeminent place on the Web where creative types can come together, make pretty things, help each other get better at making pretty things, share pretty things, and ultimately monetize them. The combined site wants to make great design simple and accessible and create a lucrative business doing that. ¶ As someone who works with words, and usually words that are just black on white, the concept was all a bit esoteric to me, until I went on Colourlovers to check out what the site actually does. Hours flew by as I got consumed in what I could only call “playing” with color and patterns in a way I never had before.” - × × ×
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