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» Charles Stross: Network Security in the Medium Term, 2061-2561 AD - Long Views: The Long Now Blog - http://blog.longnow.org/2011...
"With increasingly pervasive networked sensors, knowledgeable genetic tests, and falling data storage costs, our online identities become more and more just our identities. Trade-offs and double-edged swords abound: Is losing your genomic privacy an excessive price to pay for surviving cancer and evading plagues? Is compromising your sensory privacy through lifelogging a reasonable price to pay for preventing malicious impersonation and apprehending criminals? Is letting your insurance company know exactly how you steer and hit the gas and brake pedals, and where you drive, an acceptable price to pay for cheaper insurance?" - × × ×
Чарли снова прекрасен, и вот эта вот «среднесрочная перспектива» длиной в 500 лет, начиная через пятьдесят лет от сегодняшнего дня — вот это вот и есть «думать из будущего», а не постоянные бессмысленные споры «зачем вы прогноз форсайтом зовёте, юзабилисты штоле». - × × ×