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Collect Data About Yourself with Twitter – your.flowingdata is Live | FlowingData - http://flowingdata.com/2009...
“The real strength of your.flowingdata is exploration of personal trends over time. Like most data, your data is going to get more interesting the longer you collect. This is why you use YFD the same way that you use Twitter. YFD was designed to be unobtrusive. You simply send direct messages about what you're doing, what you have done, or what's going on around you. Collect regularly, and you're going to see something interesting. If you just log a few data points about yourself, you're not going to get much out of it; however, if you log a few data points per day, then you're on to something. Imagine if Al Gore only showed one temperature value in his now-famous global warming presentation. It's the cycles that mattered - not the single data point. Remember - you want a whole story (about you), not just a few random words.” - × × ×
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