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Статья месяца про интровертов: Revenge of the Introvert — By Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D. — Psychology Today - http://www.psychologytoday.com/print...
“On the surface, introversion looks a lot like shyness. Both limit social interaction, but for differing reasons. The shy want desperately to connect but find socializing difficult, says Bernardo J. Carducci, professor of psychology and director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. Introverts seek time alone because they want time alone. An introvert and a shy person might be standing against the wall at a party, but the introvert prefers to be there, while the shy individual feels she has no choice.” #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
“Solitude, quite literally, allows introverts to hear themselves think. In a classic series of studies, researchers mapped brain electrical activity in introverts and extraverts. The introverts all had higher levels of electrical activity—indicating greater cortical arousal—whether in a resting state or engaged in challenging cognitive tasks. The researchers proposed that given their higher level of brain activity and reactivity, introverts limit input from the environment in order to maintain an optimal level of arousal. Extraverts, on the other hand, seek out external stimulation to get their brain juices flowing.” - × × ×
“Neuroimaging studies measuring cerebral blood flow reveal that among introverts, the activation is centered in the frontal cortex, responsible for remembering, planning, decision making, and problem solving—the kinds of activities that require inward focus and attention. Introverts' brains also show increased blood flow in Broca's area, a region associated with speech production—likely reflecting the capacity for self-talk.” - × × ×
О, и это тоже про меня, хорошо поясняет про рефлексивный запрос: “But extensive internal dialogue, especially in response to negative experiences, can set off a downward spiral of affect. And indeed, anxiety and depression are more common among introverts than extraverts. In general, says Robert McPeek, director of research at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, introverts are more self-critical than others—but also more realistic in their self-assessments. Call it depressive realism.” - × × ×
(Здесь нужно ссылку на вопрос про фильтры, с главным смыслом «перегрузки не возникает, потому что я избегаю потока» — http://friendfeed.com/urbansh...) - × × ×
(Предыдущая любимая статья про интровертов: “Caring for your introvert” — http://www.theatlantic.com/magazin...) - × × ×
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