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The Secret of iOS 7 - I, Cringely - http://www.cringely.com/2013...
“Microsoft certainly faces this dilemma today, having nothing with which to replace Windows and Office. Some say Apple, too, is living now on the wrong side of the innovation curve, but I don’t think so. I think Cupertino has a plan. When Apple announced its iPhone 5c and 5s mobile phones I alluded to having an idea of some broader strategy Cupertino had in mind for the devices, especially the iPhone 5S. Here are the clues I am working from: 1) Tim Cook was clear to claim the iPhone 5S had a “workstation-class 64-bit processor.” 2) iWork is now free on all new iOS devices. 3) iOS 7 has, for the first time, support for not just Bluetooth keyboards but Bluetooth mice as well. 4) There’s a new Apple TV of some sort coming anytime now.” - × × ×