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Photoshop is a city for everyone: how Adobe endlessly rebuilds its classic app | The Verge - http://www.theverge.com/2013...
“Somewhere, deep down under the streets of Photoshop, down where the mole people live, is a little framework called "MacApp." It's a remnant from the very first versions, a fragment of foundation. MacApp originally let Photoshop communicate with the underlying operating system, which was then Mac OS 6.0.3. Apple eventually abandoned the MacApp framework, but Adobe didn't. MacApp stuck around in a few spots as part of the platform-agnostic "glue layer," a common reference point for code which could then be executed on either Mac or Windows. Nowadays, few engineers spend any time talking directly to the operating system; they work with "Photoshop code," building their functionality safe from those specifics.” • #редизайн - × × ×