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Nook lineup sells millions, Barnes & Noble's best-selling product of all-time -- Engadget - http://www.engadget.com/2010... (via http://friendfeed.com/media-n...)
“You didn't think Barnes & Noble was just going to let Amazon rest on its "vague sales milestones" laurels, did you? The veteran bookseller just announced that the Nook lineup — 3G, WiFi, and the new Nook Color combined — has become "the company's biggest bestseller ever in its nearly 40-year history." That's bigger than Barnes & Noble's sales (note: not global sales) of DaVinci Code or any of the Harry Potter novels. Unfortunately, we can't say exactly just how many that is, as the press release only announces "millions" being sold. A B&N rep we spoke with told us they likely wouldn't specify any further, nor would there likely be a breakdown of sales by individual model. Other notable factoids include Nook Color's reign as the company's "number one selling gift of the holiday season" and nearly one million "Nook books" downloaded on Christmas Day. In fact, the company now sells more digital books than it does physical books over BN.com (i.e. not including books sold in brick-and-mortar stores).” - × × ×
И вот у Сквадетта к реплике про Амазон и Киндл дельные комментарии: http://friendfeed.com/squadet... - × × ×