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Why Tipping Should Be Outlawed - Esquire - http://www.esquire.com/blogs...
"The friendships I've formed with restaurant employees over the years have made me think seriously about why hospitality workers are singled out among America's professionals to endure a pass-the-hat system of compensation. Why should a server's pay depend upon the generosity — not to mention dubious arithmetic skills — of people like me? So I was thrilled to hear that New York City's Sushi Yasuda recently decided to eliminate tipping altogether. Including gratuity for parties of six or more has already become relatively commonplace; in a few restaurants, like Thomas Keller's Per Se and The French Laundry, it's automatically added onto all checks. But Yasuda has gone one step further, dispensing with service as a separate line item — and implicitly, an "extra" — and folding it into their prices as a cost of doing business, along with the rent, and electricity, and ingredients." • #дело_не_в_деньгах - × × ×
When I read about a proposal to outlaw a voluntary non-violent practice I start wondering whether I should click the link. - 9000
Да никто вас и не заставляет кликать. - × × ×
Безусловно. Это можно рассматривать как bias — нежелание читать текст, с которым, как кажется, заранее не согласен, исходя уже из заголовка. А заголовок мог ведь быть и не авторским, а спечиально наперчённым редакторской рукой для привлечения внимания. - 9000