“Note: I am gathering some of my better essays from the past and collecting them on Medium, as they are easier to store here than my Tumblr.” ) - × × ×
Will Storr: The Man Who Destroyed America’s Ego, How a rebel psychologist challenged one of the 20th century’s biggest—and most dangerous—ideas — https://medium.com/matter... - × × ×
Robert Beckhusen: The Medieval—and Highly Effective—Tactics of the Ukrainian Protests, Military-style methods help Euromaidan overwhelm state forces — https://medium.com/p... - × × ×
Mike Power: Designing your own narcotics online isn’t just easy—it can be legal too. How do we know? We did it. — https://medium.com/matter... - × × ×
Andy Baio: ‘̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏‘̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏‘̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̋̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏‘ — https://medium.com/p... - × × ×
Clive Thompson: The Novelty Effect — Why a new high-tech tool makes you suddenly more productive or creative — until it doesn’t — https://medium.com/message... - × × ×
Felix Salmon: BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti Goes Long — The media mogul (twice over) on being both contagious and sticky — https://medium.com/matter... - × × ×
Jason Fagone: The Secret to Getting Top-Secret Secrets — How a journalist with a dark past learned to pry info from the government—and redeemed himself in the process — https://medium.com/matter... - × × ×