“If you promise to complete a project on time and you deliver it ahead of the deadline, don’t expect any special kudos from your boss.
If you pledge a certain level of service and deliver even more than you promise, you aren’t likely to receive any especially-rosy customer reviews.
That’s the conclusion drawn from a recent management study about the social consequences of surpassing promises.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
Короче, “underpromise, but don't overdeliver”. - × × ×
“The results of their research suggest that investing in customer freebies or a better-than-promised bonus to staff may yield disappointing returns, Gneezy and Epley say.
“When companies, friends, or coworkers put forth the effort to keep a promise, their effort is likely to be rewarded,” they write. “But when they expend extra effort in order to exceed those promises, their effort appears likely to be overlooked.” - × × ×
Promise and deliver, without affixes. People love predictability :) - 9000