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Coding Horror: Working with the Chaos Monkey - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog...
“Netflix: One of the first systems our engineers built in AWS is called the Chaos Monkey. The Chaos Monkey’s job is to randomly kill instances and services within our architecture. If we aren’t constantly testing our ability to succeed despite failure, then it isn’t likely to work when it matters most – in the event of an unexpected outage. # — Which, let's face it, seems like insane advice at first glance. I'm not sure many companies even understand why this would be a good idea, much less have the guts to attempt it. Raise your hand if where you work, someone deployed a daemon or service that randomly kills servers and processes in your server farm. Now raise your other hand if that person is still employed by your company. Who in their right mind would willingly choose to work with a Chaos Monkey?” #паттерны - × × ×