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The HBO Auteur - David Simon - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2010...
"On the sunny corner with Mills stood Simon, a bald, big-featured, unprepossessing man who looks more like hired muscle going gently to pot than the most critically acclaimed writer-producer working in television today. The two had just been across the street in a corner house that serves as the location for Poke’s, a bar central to “Treme.” Behind the building’s flagrantly drooping corrugated-iron awning, inside the gutted space appointed with a bar and not much else, stood Simon and Mills, watching the director of the episode — the imposing, dreadlocked Ernest Dickerson, a veteran of “The Wire” and cinematographer of such Spike Lee hits as “Do the Right Thing” — as he rehearsed the two actors in the next scene." - × × ×