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AT&T распродаёт все запасы 3GS, который предлагается бесплатно с двухлетним контрактом — We’re Seeing “Tremendous, Tremendous Demand” for the iPhone 3GS | Cult of Mac - http://www.cultofmac.com/125025...
“We have another device that I think is going to dramatically change those people that are on smartphones and quick messaging devices, the [iPhone] 3GS, which is free with a 2-year contract. We’ve seen a tremendous, tremendous demand for that device even though it’s a generation old. And actually, we’re getting more new subscribers coming on the 3GS on the average than other devices. So we also have an inventory sold out on that device.” - × × ×
…И апгрейдиться эти новые клиенты (а это явно мамы, бабушки и дедушки, которым не важна технологическая продвинутость) через пару лет будут вовсе не на андроид. Well played. Freaking juggernaut. - × × ×
распродала уже вроде - Ildar Karimov
И в дополнение отличный штрих о том, как надо отнимать рынки там: “Why Apple added little-known C-Spire as a US iPhone carrier” — http://arstechnica.com/apple... “Indeed, the location of C Spire’s customer base offers a number of benefits for Apple that may not be immediately obvious. First, southerners are typically late technology adopters, says Feland (and as a Texas native who spent several years in Tennessee and Mississippi, I can attest to this as well). This means C Spire has strong potential in converting “feature phone” users to iPhone users. What’s more, thanks to an improved broadband infrastructure and the exploding popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, technology-averse Southern customers might now be more easily swayed to purchase an iPhone, confident that (a) they’ll actually have reliable network service, and (b) they’ll have something really fun to do with their new devices.” - × × ×