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Using Django with Appengine / 42topics.com - http://www.42topics.com/dumps...
Welcome to Django tutorial for integrating with Appengine. This is a port of the Django tutorial to use appengine instead of Pure Django. Like in the Django tutorial, we build a poll engine, where you can create polls and others can vote for them. Instead of the four part Django tutorial, we use only one tutorial. Also, as many parts of Django, most prominently its super Admin interface do not work, we will work around them. I will assume that you know python well. However I do not assume that you have previous experience with Django. Django concepts are explained. - × × ×
Use App-engine-patch! With app-engine-patch a major part of Django works on App Engine without any modifications. The most important change is that you have to use Google's Model class because the development model is too different from Django (at least with Django's current API). - denya
Вау, спасибо! - alf