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American Science Fiction, Classic Novels of the 1950's - http://www.loa.org/science...
“Golden Ages are as much a matter of nostalgia as of literary history, and Robert Silverberg, in a 2010 essay, persuasively argued that the Campbell “Golden Age” of the 1940s was a kind of “false dawn.” ¶ “The disruptions of the Second World War scattered Campbell’s talented crew far and wide,” he noted, and by the time they returned after the war Astounding had already begun to lose much of its luster—thanks in part to Campbell’s own growing fascination with fringe science ideas and L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics. A new generation of writers, not quite old enough for Campbell’s Golden Age, had come of age in the meantime, often working with editors other than Campbell.” • #прокниги - × × ×
http://www.loa.org/science... — Connie Willis on Heinlein's Double Star - × × ×
Также не могу не отметить, что мой внутренний хунган одобряет урл Library of America всеми своими погремушками. - × × ×
http://www.loa.org/science... — William Gibson on Bester's The Stars My Destination - × × ×
http://www.loa.org/science... — Neil Gaiman on Lieber's The Big Time - × × ×