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Envisioning Technology | Envisioning emerging technology for 2012 and beyond (by Michell Zappa) - http://envisioningtech.com/
“Understanding where technology is heading is more than guesswork. Looking at emerging trends and research, one can predict and draw conclusions about how the technological sphere is developing, and which technologies should become mainstream in the coming years. Envisioning technology is meant to facilitate these observations by taking a step back and seeing the wider context. By speculating about what lies beyond the horizon we can make better decisions of what to create today.” • #визуализация - × × ×
Ух ты! Я подобную табличку составлял, когда работали над «Атласом будущего», но тут заметно подробнее обзор. Жаль, уверенность прогноза не показана :) - mindszenty