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Bonded By Ink, Bound By Love - Interview with the Creators of Sunstone / by techgnotic on deviantART - http://techgnotic.deviantart.com/journal...
“Storytelling is a complex theme. The choice of approach is often defined by themes handled within the story. See, I personally, am a great fan of decompressed storytelling. I want to take my time to allow the characters to just be people. Taking their time to enjoy and interact with the world around them before the inevitable tide of the plot takes them down the road. However this is not always an option. Most professional comics nowadays are pretty much locked by their format. This limits the writers often to great extent as in the popular serialized monthly format one always loses space in the parameter of 20 pages a month. These lost pages usually go to recap pages that serve the purpose of getting us back in the flow, and the few of the cliffhanger closure at the very end. Then you take the majority of the remaining pages and watch them being devoured by the plot.” - × × ×