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Apartments So Small They Can Only Be Photographed From Above - David Yanofsky - The Atlantic Cities - http://www.theatlanticcities.com/housing...
“Although 49 percent of the city’s residents live in public or subsidized housing, the city has rents 35 percent higher than New York City. ... [A]ccording to the Society for Community Organization, 100,000 of the city’s laborers live in sub-divided apartment units averaging 40 square feet. The Hong Kong based advocacy organization commissioned and released these photographs, depicting the living conditions inside these apartments from the only vantage point able to capture the entire unit—directly above.” #города_и_люди - × × ×
В отличие от инсталляций IKEA "квартира 30 м2" и "квартира 17 м2", уже даже не ад. - Prometa