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You're not as kinky as you think: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire / “Sex therapists haven’t known which interests are common and which are rare,” Ogas says. “We probably now know more than ever before.” - NYPOST.com - http://www.nypost.com/f...
“The underlying thesis, which Ogas and Gaddam believe will be proved correct: There’s no such thing as a sexual deviance. People who are attracted to mirrors, or to beards, or get turned on by ants in their pants — these are cases that, until now, have been diagnosed by clinicians who’ve seen patients. The Internet gives us a far better sense — rough, but still — of what is a likely anomaly and what is a far more common predilection. “We discovered things even Kinsey didn’t know,” says Ogas. “Foot fetishes, for example, are common across all cultures.” The discovery may lead to a re-classification; perhaps someday, the male interest in feet will be considered as normal an interest as breast size or facial attractiveness.” #нет_никакой_нормы - × × ×
“Web porn has changed everything,” says Gaddam — including, he theorizes “our predispositions long-term.” Whereas once men may not have had access to unique sets of sexual triggers, now that they do, and now that we know large numbers of men are searching for them, perhaps male desire is evolving.” - × × ×
(Здесь бы, конечно, надо ссылку на статью в Атлантике про современные границы «социального секса» у поколения 87-94 и ссылку на диаграмму про то, как «съехали» first base - second base - third base, про которые три года назад мне было смешно читать, а сейчас вдруг оказалось, что так и есть.) - × × ×
Ага, диаграмма про границы вот она: http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post... (и там нет ничего про the big rise of BDSM, но это из другой истории, ок). - × × ×
А также Hard Core: The new world of porn is revealing eternal truths about men and women. — http://www.theatlantic.com/magazin... - × × ×
И Are You There God? It's Me, Monica: How nice girls got so casual about oral sex — http://www.theatlantic.com/magazin... - × × ×
Отличная книжка. И написана здорово. - курящий гей-атеист
8. - child porn? - жить без мочек
Ну да, всякие там лолиты и пр. наверняка. - × × ×