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How to create an iPad archive of the entire run of Spy magazine in two hours - Boing Boing - http://boingboing.net/2012...
“On a recent weekend afternoon, I used Google Book Downloaderto generate a PDF of every issue from Spy’s heyday, then pulled everything into my Dropbox account to allow me to access the archive from anywhere and any device — primarily my iPad. The whole process took me less than two hours. The filesize of the PDFs ranges from about 25 megabytes to about 50 megabytes, and the quality is quite high; the issues look fantastic on my new iPad’s retina screen. An iPad gives a much better approximation of an actual print-magazine experience than a web browser does, and if you save an issue into a PDF-friendly interface like Amazon’s Kindle app, you can use page thumbnails to navigate. It’s pretty sweet.” - × × ×
С нормальным экраном теперь есть шанс, что Zinio сумеют-таки стать осмысленным сервисом. Ещё бы Адоби научил пдф перевёрстываться под альтернативные ориентации, и научил бы его не весить по дохрена мегабайт. • #будущее_мидий#прокниги - × × ×