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How a password changed my life. — Medium - https://medium.com/@manich...
“So there it was… This input field with a pulsating cursor, waiting for me to type a password that I’ll have to re-enter for the next 30 days. Many times during the day. ¶ Then, letting all the frustration go, I remembered a tip I heard form my former boss. ¶ I’m gonna use a password to change my life.” - × × ×
(Офтопик: как в Медиуме увидеть дату поста? Без неё "Updated on Jun 21, 2014" выглядит издевательски.) - Alex Olshansky
делал такое когда-то. работает. - ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ StandardError
@clbn: в левом верхнем углу рядом с именем автора. - × × ×
@urbansheep Спасибо! - Alex Olshansky