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The Future Of Work Is Play :: Articles :: The 99 Percent - http://the99percent.com/article...
“Q: What are some examples of how I could use the power of games to keep myself motivated during a long, personal project (say, making a documentary film)? ¶ A: The trick here is to turn a long experience that has very limited feedback into something that is broken up into smaller and more rewarding chunks. Consider scheduling viewing parties for each scene in your film (for family and friends). In fact, build the whole project plan around scenes. Completing each scene should be a mini-objective, and rewarded. ¶ For instance, for every new scene that you cut together, allow yourself to go back and select music for the previous scene. Create new forms of resistance other than just time/energy, such as taking away key resources so that you have to focus on the craft. Instead of writing the storyboard in Final Draft, grab a notebook. Instead of editing in Avid or Final Cut, consider doing a rough cut on your phone. Try a "speed run" round of editing (where you try to cut the whole movie together in one day). These smaller self-imposed "challenges" will actually spark your creative drive in ways you don't expect.” #проигры#малая_механизация - × × ×