1) The most important question to ask at the start of any redesign is "What problem are we trying to solve?" 3) "Drop-dead guide for not making ugly stuff with type" 4) Think first and sketch out your ideas before sitting down at a computer 5) “Never use lorem ipsum.” 6) “The curse of being a designer is you are perpetually unsatisfied with your work.” 7) Users aren’t always right, but you need to hear them. 8) “We’re designing web pages, not a photo of a page.” 9) Within the next two years, JavaScript will largely replace Flash plug-ins on the web. 10) Nobody likes forms. Forms get in the way. Make them easy for your users. 11) If your design needs instructions, it probably needs to be redesigned. 12) Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful. - × × ×