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Об использовании патентных исков как средства для связывания рук и отпугивания в борьбе за рыночную долю: Apple is a patent bully - http://www.betanews.com/joewilc...
"Right now, Apple faces stiff competition. For all the bravado about 425,000 mobile apps or the billions and billions of mobile app downloads -- and even despite the amazing high-margin iOS products -- Android is the volume leader by a huge margin. Three days ago, Canalys reported that during second quarter, Android's global smartphone market share reached 48 percent. Growth rate was 379 percent year over year, and Android leads in 35 of the 56 countries Canalys tracks. According to Google, 39 manufacturers ship Android devices, which are available from 231 carriers globally. What Apple needs is time, particularly for iPad to push enough volume of apps and devices to secure permanent market share lead. iPad had 69 percent share of the tablet market, according to IDC. Patents are Apple's weapons of mass destruction, for clearing the way for its mobile device success." - × × ×
“In 2010, Apple became the largest company, as measured by market cap, and its revenue and profit now far exceed Microsoft. Apple no longer is the little Mac company everyone felt sorry for in the 1990s. David is now Goliath.” — или, как говорили у нас в тёмном замке, “Don't fight the dragon, be the dragon!” - × × ×