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How the Brain Creates Personality: A New Theory — Are you a mover, a perceiver, a stimulator, or an adapter? Modes of thinking can be understood in terms of how the top and bottom—rather than right and left—parts of the brain interact | - Stephen M. Kosslyn and G. Wayne Miller - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/health...
"Here’s a crucial point: The two systems always work together. You use the top brain to decide to walk over to talk to your friend only after you know who she is (courtesy of the bottom brain). And after talking to her, you formulate another plan, to enter the date and time in your calendar, and then you need to monitor what hap­pens (again using the bottom brain) as you try to carry out this plan (a top-brain activity). Moreover, the top-brain system prepares the bottom-brain system to classify expected objects and events, making that system work more efficiently. If you were expecting to see your friend in the crowd, this would actually be easier than noticing her without warning. The expectation (via the top brain) “primes” the recognition machinery in the bottom brain." • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
Top brain and Bottom brain [x] (А также продолжение разговора про конкретные #типологии с физиологическим фундаментом — http://friendfeed.com/urbansh...) - × × ×