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Вся печальная правда об облачных скоростях и о причинах, по которым интернет-сервисы нам не будут внушать доверия как минимум до тех пор, пока доступ в интернеты не станет таким же общедоступным, как сотовая связь (а не водопровод или электричество), а сервера компаний — столь же быстрыми, как наши десктопы даже с учётом лагов: “When I got my hands on the Chrome netbook, I understood why Google (one of our TR50 companies) finds the idea compelling. I liked the convenience at first—I always had the files I needed, because the machine forced me to store them remotely, "in the cloud." But one day, I waited minutes for my Web word processor to open a file. I couldn't look at the computer's task manager and solve the problem—I just had to stare at a spinning wheel. Another time, my favorite streaming radio station took forever to load. Once it did start playing songs, the connection hiccupped, giving the effect of a skipping CD. Before long, I gave up using the netbook and went back to a computer that could work offline.” - × × ×