Melon: A Headband and Mobile App to Measure Your Focus by Melon — Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/project...
"At Melon we are really interested in the idea of Understood Self, which we are trying to add to the movement of Quantified Self. We want people to have a great feedback system for the data we're capturing, so it can help with the activities users already do day-to-day, go beyond numbers and scores, and move towards insights and understanding." • #схватил_за_мозг#aqsc - urbansheep@gmail.com
“The headband tracks EEG data, which can correlate to many things such as sleep, focus, meditation, and relaxation. Developers will have access to all of these different mental states and more in our SDK.” - urbansheep@gmail.com
(Март 2015) Получил на прошлой неделе обруч, теперь буду его тестировать. Пока напоминаю себе мартышку и айфон, но посмотрим. - urbansheep@gmail.com