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LetMeShowYou: Кстати, про сериалы — я как-то встретил любопытное сравнение о том, что The Wire — это «Преступление и наказание» сегодняшнего дня. И вот цитата: http://b23.ru/sve1
“"The Wire" always seemed more like a great 19th century novel than a television series. It will be hard to let go of the final chapter, but the characters -- Avon, McNulty and Bubbles -- will live on in our memories no less vividly than Dostoyevsky's Raskolnikov, Porfiry or Marmeladov. "The Wire" was Crime and Punishment on the streets of Baltimore.” #letmeshowyou - × × ×
“Created by former Baltimore police reporter David Simon and co-written by former Baltimore homicide detective Ed Burns, "The Wire," whose name refers to police wiretaps on Baltimore drug dealers, never managed to gather the audience it deserved. It never won any Emmys, and fewer than a million viewers tuned in to some episodes. Yet many critics regard it as the finest drama ever to air on television. And it is. It's also the only complex examination of the urban underclass ever attempted in the popular culture.” - × × ×
(К нашему разговору с Мамой Ари и Аникиным про сериалы и, в частности, к моему тезису об их значении и весе для современного культурного человека.) #letmeshowyou - × × ×