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Что бывает, когда тщеславие берёт верх над профессионализмом, и как Анонимус заборол эксперта по безопасности, эпическая сага: How one man tracked down Anonymous — and paid a heavy price - http://arstechnica.com/tech-po...
“Indeed, publicity was the plan. Barr hoped his research would "start a verbal braul between us and keep it going because that will bring more media and more attention to a very important topic." ¶ But within a day, Anonymous had managed to infiltrate HBGary Federal's website and take it down, replacing it with a pro-Anonymous message ("now the Anonymous hand is bitch-slapping you in the face.") Anonymous got into HBGary Federal's e-mail server, for which Barr was the admin, and compromised it, extracting over 40,000 e-mails and putting them up on The Pirate Bay, all after watching his communications for 30 hours, undetected. In an after-action IRC chat, Anonymous members bragged about how they had gone even further, deleting 1TB of HBGary backup data. ¶ They even claimed to have wiped Barr's iPad remotely.¶ The situation got so bad for the security company that HBGary, the company which partially owns HBGary Federal, sent its president Penny Leavy into the Anonymous IRC chat rooms to swim with the sharks—and to beg them to leave her company alone.” - × × ×
Бгг: “And who were Barr and his company up against in all this? According to Anonymous, a five-member team took down HBGary Federal and rootkit.com, in part through the very sort of social engineering Barr had tried to employ against Anonymous. ¶ One of those five was allegedly a 16-year old girl, who "social engineered your admin jussi and got root to rootkit.com," one Anonymous member explained in IRC. ¶ Another, pleased with power, harrassed Penny Leavy and her husband, who sat beside her during the chat: "How does it feel to get hacked by a 16yr old girl?" One can almost hear the taunt echoing from some kind of grade school playground. ¶ Perhaps the entire strange story can be best summed up by a single picture, one that Barr e-mailed to two of his colleagues back on January 28. "Oh fuck," it says beneath a picture of an Anonymous real-world protest. "The Internet is here." - × × ×
@ubs а что тебя заставляет думать что все описанное - правда? и что все вот такое вот черно-белое и в этой истории нет других контекстов и подтекстов? - A. T.
Меня ничего не заставляет, я с интересом читаю подробное, иллюстрированное и связное повествование, которое даёт достаточно выходов, чтобы проверить, при желании. Автор провёл адскую журналистскую работу по фильтрации этого всего, он сдержанно изложил факты и цитаты, и (по тексту) я не вижу причин ему не верить или обвинять в предвзятости. У вас есть такие причины? Поделитесь. Если вы просто потроллить сомнениями, то это не ко мне, а в комменты к статье, там есть немало ссылок по теме, они неплохо дополняют. - × × ×