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Ask.com Buys Ask.fm, an Anonymous Q.&A. Start-Up - NYTimes.com - http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014...
“The co-founders, brothers Mark and Ilja Terebin, have had a hands-off approach to the site, exerting little control over what occurred on the service. Only after facing a wave of media criticism did the two step in and hire more moderators to control negative activity. There are about 60 people at the company, half of them moderators.” - × × ×
“Most of the site’s users are in the United States, Mr. Leeds said, but Ask.fm also has a large presence in Europe, Russia and Brazil. ¶ The purchase comes with some strings attached. First founded in Riga, Latvia, four years ago, Ask.fm gained attention in recent years when it was linked to a spate of teen suicides. In the months leading up to the events, the teens had dealt with anonymous “cyberbullying” on Ask.fm, and a handful of them responded by threatening to take their own lives.” - × × ×
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