To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This - NYTimes.com - http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015...
“I’ve skied steep slopes and hung from a rock face by a short length of rope, but staring into someone’s eyes for four silent minutes was one of the more thrilling and terrifying experiences of my life. I spent the first couple of minutes just trying to breathe properly. There was a lot of nervous smiling until, eventually, we settled in. ¶ I know the eyes are the windows to the soul or whatever, but the real crux of the moment was not just that I was really seeing someone, but that I was seeing someone really seeing me. Once I embraced the terror of this realization and gave it time to subside, I arrived somewhere unexpected.” • #дейтинг ∙ via @weekend - urbansheep@gmail.com
http://www.nytimes.com/2015... — No. 37: Big Wedding or Small? The 36 Questions That Lead to Love - urbansheep@gmail.com
Мы попробовали эти вопросы сегодня на обеде с коллегами - столько нового друг о друге узнали. Правда, за час только до 16 вопроса дошли. - teinett