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AAPL passes Microsoft to reach 2nd on US market cap list (должен в фоне тихонько играть Марш Империи, по-моему, и Джобс такой смотрит с мостика Стар-дестройера и сопит в своей водолазке с горлом) - http://www.tuaw.com/2010...
“Oddly, Apple's leapfrogging of Microsoft's market cap has had less to do with Apple's stock and more to do with Microsoft's; over the past 60 days or so, Apple's market cap has grown by less than US$10 billion, while Microsoft's has plummeted by almost $40 billion. No matter which way you look at it, though, Apple's surpassing of Microsoft's market cap is, just as the New York Times says, an absolutely stunning turnaround.” - × × ×
В общем, как-то это всё ужасно печально. - × × ×