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Ebay’s Got A Hunch, For Around $80 Million « Uncrunched - http://uncrunched.com/2011...
"The Hunch recommendation technology will be used by Ebay to revamp their own ecommerce recommendations. Dixon will take over Ebay’s existing 50 person recommendations team, and start a new office in New York. That New York office will eventually grow to some 200 employees, I’m told, who’ll focus on recommendations. But the team will also analyze lots of Ebay data, and perhaps productize some of it or otherwise release it. As an example, Ebay purchase and sale data may help predict inflation or a looming recession better and sooner than any data the government can get their hands on." - × × ×
Она вышла из проекта раньше, вроде бы. - Странный случай в космосе
Это все довольно грустная история вышла. Диксон молодец, конечно, но всё вместе печально смотрится. Через пару лет посмотрим, что получится. - × × ×