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Сорок процентов копирайтеров в Групоне имеют журналистский опыт, а маркетинговые тексты раньше писала только пятая часть. Всего райтеров 59, на них приходится 16 редакторов и 11 копи-редакторов. В «продажном» стартапе. — Forget Journalism School and Enroll in Groupon Academy - Elizabeth Weingarten - Technology - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
“Business Insider recently listed Groupon as one of this year's most innovative alternative storytellers alongside USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and other traditional news outlets. "Groupon isn't a news website," they explained. "But as Thrillest CEO Ben Lerer said, 'The most well-read publication now might be Groupon.'” * “Forty percent of Groupon's writers have prior journalism experience, 70 percent were creative writers and 20 percent wrote marketing or business copy. As of this writing, there are 59 writers, 16 editors, 15 image designers, 24 fact-checkers, 11 copy editors and four editorial recruiters. They've hired 40 writers in the last six months.” • #experience_is_copy#рассказывание_историй - × × ×