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Things I Learned About OLL During My Internship: A Top 10 List by Sarah | NaNoWriMo Blog - http://blog.nanowrimo.org/node...
“9. There are some funny little language quirks here at the OLL. Since benevolent Tom Selleck overlooks us, sometimes his name is taken in vain when something goes wrong. (Try it! If you’re mad about something, shake your fist and yell “Selleck!” It’s surprisingly satisfying.) “Pants!” is also a common exclamation when things do not go as planned. We like to make up words and then cling furiously to the idea that it is a real word. There are also puns flying all over creation pretty much all the time. We do like our puns.” - × × ×
“1. When Chris is in a weird mood (which is often), he likes to speak in foreign languages. Sometimes they are real foreign languages. Sometimes they are fictional. It is particularly challenging when he decides to speak in Jawa. Or whatever language Jabba the Hut speaks. It’s not much more convenient when he speaks in German since nobody else speaks any German, and French is only marginally better since my French is mediocre at best. Often, he doesn’t speak the language either, but he makes up for it with an outrageous fake accent.” - × × ×