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HP To Apple: You Win. | TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
"What’s perhaps most noteworthy about HP’s move today is that they, more so than any other company attacking the tablet space, seemed to have a grasp of what Jobs was talking about — undoubtedly thanks to Jon Rubinstein, the longtime Apple general leading webOS. The Post-PC device is about the combination of hardware and software all built and integrated by one company. Google doesn’t get that. RIM can’t execute. But with the Palm/webOS purchase, it seemed that HP had both the vision and resources to possibly compete with Apple." - × × ×
“When the TouchPad launched, and subsequently floundered out of the gate, Apotheker had what he needed. He landed Autonomy and it was set. HP wasn’t going to be the next Apple. They were going to be the next IBM. Not IBM, the PC juggernaut, mind you — IBM the company that cut loose the PC hardware division and focused on data and enterprise. That’s what so jarring about today’s news: HP just did a full stop and then a 180 before our very eyes. Apple and IBM both resurrected themselves in recent years, but each did it in opposite ways. The Apple plan didn’t work for HP, Apotheker decided. He now clearly believes the IBM plan will.” - × × ×
Самый интересный вопрос, конечно, кому они запродадут всё, что у них осталось от Палма и его патентного портфолио, включая ВебОС. И как они будут весь свой маркетинг переориентировать, который последние пять лет мучительно перестраивался в потребительскую логику. И будет ли что-нибудь с МагКлаудом. - × × ×