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On Gmail's Widget for Selecting Messages - http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2010...
“Since features like "select unread" or "select starred" were used by a lot less than 1% of the users, it made sense to hide them. Power users can always learn how to use keyboard shortcuts and an extra click doesn't mean too much for a feature that's rarely used.” - × × ×
Отличное обсуждение у Азы Раскина в комментариях во фликре: http://www.flickr.com/photos... - × × ×
«both the checkbox and the menu part tested very well in the lab. The people who hated the widget outside the lab also understood how to use it but promised others wouldn't b/c it was so "weird."» пишет автор этой штуки. - alex@kapranoff.ru
Ага, это практически как цитата из книжки про важность юзабилити-тестирования и про разницу между «использованием» и «рефлексией». - × × ×