The Daily WTF: В Лондоне на время олимпиады на крышах зданий разместят зенитные установки с расчётами, впервые после второй мировой — British military seeking missile sites for Olympics | Inquirer Sports -
“It seems like it’s completely written in stone — there’s been no consultation. They announced it in a way that makes it seem like some kind of prize that I’ve won, to be living on an army base, which is insulting.” - × × ×
“Ground-based air defense systems could be deployed as part of a multi-layered air security plan for the Olympics, including fast jets and helicopters, which will protect the skies over London during the Games,” a spokesman for the ministry said in a statement.” • #безжалостный_постмодернизм - × × ×
Если бы это была статья в The Onion, там была бы цитата про то, что государственная доктрина поменялась, и что “we did our bloody homework and we go for scary rather than going effective. Scary beats the hell out of effective any day if you ask me”. - × × ×