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“What you get: 1) From any of your photo pages, an "On Black" style photo view - view your pictures in medium or large size on black or grey backgrounds. 2) From your Flickr home page, you get a Flickr Hive Mind view of your photo stream. From there, clicking on any photo gets you the BlackMagic view. ¶ Strengths of BlackMagic: 1) BlackMagic uses something called "referer" information to figure out the picture you were looking at, so you don't have to craft a new link for each picture. 2) If you want to create custom links you can do so - there's a custom link as well as example link text available on every BlackMagic page (follow the "more" link). 3) Blackmagic is often faster than other tools that do this type of display, as it makes only a single, simple call to the Flickr API to do its work.” - × × ×