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Twitter Is Considering a Deal to Buy SoundCloud | Re/code - http://recode.net/2014...
“Twitter may try to buy its way out of its growth problem by making another move into music. The company is considering a deal to acquire SoundCloud, the music and audio-sharing company, according to people familiar with both companies. Berlin-based SoundCloud is a free service that lets users upload and share audio files around the Web; it likes to describe itself as the “YouTube for audio.” In October 2013, the company announced that it had 250 million users.” - × × ×
NO-GO: Twitter Inc. considered buying German music-streaming service SoundCloud Ltd., but it has backed out of the talks, according to a person familiar with the matter. The short-messaging service chose to let the deadline for exclusivity on talks pass without coming to an agreement because "the numbers didn't add up," the person said, without offering specifics. It is unclear which party initiated the talks. — http://online.wsj.com/news... - × × ×