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Enlightenment Engineers: In Silicon Valley, Meditation Is No Fad. It Could Make Your Career — Meditation and mindfulness are the new rage in Silicon Valley. And it’s not just about inner peace—it’s about getting ahead. | by Noah Shachtman | Wired Business | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/busines...
“My old coping strategy—the bourbon and cheeseburger method—wasn’t working,” says google’s Bill Duane” • #схватил_за_мозг#медитация - × × ×
“One of Meng’s students raises her hand. This saintly training, this randomly wishing for others’ happiness—it doesn’t seem all that genuine, she says: “It felt like I was saying the words, but I wasn’t actually doing anything by thinking that.” Duane tells her it’s OK to feel that way. The practice will help you later, he says, even if it comes across as empty at the time. “There’s definitely a fake-it-till-you-make-it aspect to it,” he says. Oh no, Meng answers. It’s the first time in the whole class he’s corrected anyone. “It’s not faking it until you make it,” he says. “It’s faking it until you become it.” - × × ×